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F2F9: Table: Default Bomb Sparks
Used by the routine at Handler_Bomb.
These default values are copied to TableBombSparks.
Explosion: 01.
TableDefaultBombSparks F2F9 DEFB $00 Horizontal position.
F2FA DEFB $00 Vertical position.
F2FB DEFB $01 Velocity: Left.
F2FC DEFB $00 Velocity: Up.
F2FD DEFB $00 Velocity: Right.
F2FE DEFB $00 Timer (max. 04).
Explosion: 02.
F2FF DEFB $00 Horizontal position.
F300 DEFB $00 Vertical position.
F301 DEFB $01 Velocity: Left.
F302 DEFB $01 Velocity: Up.
F303 DEFB $00 Velocity: Right.
F304 DEFB $00 Timer (max. 04).
Explosion: 03.
F305 DEFB $00 Horizontal position.
F306 DEFB $00 Vertical position.
F307 DEFB $00 Velocity: Left.
F308 DEFB $01 Velocity: Up.
F309 DEFB $00 Velocity: Right.
F30A DEFB $00 Timer (max. 04).
Explosion: 04.
F30B DEFB $00 Horizontal position.
F30C DEFB $00 Vertical position.
F30D DEFB $FF Velocity: Left.
F30E DEFB $01 Velocity: Up.
F30F DEFB $00 Velocity: Right.
F310 DEFB $00 Timer (max. 04).
Explosion: 05.
F311 DEFB $00 Horizontal position.
F312 DEFB $00 Vertical position.
F313 DEFB $FF Velocity: Left.
F314 DEFB $00 Velocity: Up.
F315 DEFB $00 Velocity: Right.
F316 DEFB $00 Timer (max. 04).
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