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F618: Sound Generator: White Noise
Used by the routines at SoundHandler_BombFuse and SoundHandler_BombSparks.
SoundGenerator_WhiteNoise F618 PUSH BC Stash BC and BC on the stack.
F61A CALL WhiteNoiseGenerator Call WhiteNoiseGenerator.
F61D LD BC,$FFFE Send *Active_BorderColour to the speaker port.
F620 LD A,($5BD0)
F623 OUT (C),A
F625 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
F626 CALL WhiteNoiseGenerator Call WhiteNoiseGenerator.
F629 LD BC,$FFFE BC=FFFE (C points to the speaker port).
F62C LD A,($5BD0) A=*Active_BorderColour.
F62F OR %00010000 Turn on the speaker (set bit 4).
F631 OUT (C),A Send A to port *C.
F633 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
F634 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
F635 LD A,D Jump to SoundGenerator_WhiteNoise until DE is zero.
F636 OR E
F637 JR NZ,SoundGenerator_WhiteNoise
F639 RET Return.
WhiteNoiseGenerator F63A PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
F63B CALL BombTimer Call BombTimer.
F63E AND B Merge the bits from B.
F63F LD B,A B=A.
F640 CP $00 Jump to WhiteNoiseHouseKeeping if A is zero.
F642 JR Z,WhiteNoiseHouseKeeping
WhiteNoiseDelay F644 DJNZ WhiteNoiseDelay Decrease counter by one and loop back to WhiteNoiseDelay until counter is zero.
WhiteNoiseHouseKeeping F646 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
F647 RET Return.
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