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F863: Controller: General Sounds
Used by the routine at Handler_Interrupts.
Should we generate any sounds?
Controller_GeneralSounds F863 LD A,($FFFE) Return if *SoundFlag_General is "Off" (00).
F866 CP $00
F868 RET Z
F869 CP $01 Jump to SoundHandler_TouchedAnimal if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Touched By Animal" (01).
F86B JP Z,SoundHandler_TouchedAnimal
F86E CP $02 Jump to SoundHandler_CaughtByPirate if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Caught By Pirate" (02).
F870 JP Z,SoundHandler_CaughtByPirate
F873 CP $03 Jump to SoundHandler_BombExplosion if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Bomb Explosion" (03).
F875 JP Z,SoundHandler_BombExplosion
F878 CP $04 Jump to SoundHandler_CollectedItem if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Collected Item" (04).
F87A JP Z,SoundHandler_CollectedItem
F87D CP $05 Jump to SoundHandler_UnlockedDoor if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Unlocked Door" (05).
F87F JP Z,SoundHandler_UnlockedDoor
F882 CP $06 Jump to SoundHandler_CollectedKey if *SoundFlag_General is set to "Collected Key" (06).
F884 JP Z,SoundHandler_CollectedKey
F887 RET Return.
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