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43698: Routine at AAB2
43698 LD A,(IY+10) If IY+10 is 152 jump to 43726.
43701 CP 152
43703 JR Z,43726
43705 LD A,(IY+15) If the current room (IY+15) is not "The Sewer" (31) jump to 43726.
43708 CP 31
43710 JR NZ,43726
43712 LD A,(IY+5) If IY+5 is lower than 120 jump to 43726.
43715 CP 120
43717 JR NC,43726
43719 LD (IY+60),1 Write 1 to IY+60.
43723 JP 45704 Jump to 45704.
43726 LD (IY+60),255 Write 255 to IY+60.
43730 CALL 45704 Call 45704.
43733 LD A,(IY+5) If IY+5 is zero then jump to 44637.
43736 OR A
43737 JP Z,44637
43740 RET Return.
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