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46014: Routine at B3BE
46014 DEFB 176,136,96,56,16
This entry point is used by the routine at 60870.
46019 LD DE,4892 DE=4892.
46022 LD HL,52466 HL=graphic_39.
46025 CALL Switch_DrawSprite_Functions Call Switch_DrawSprite_Functions.
46028 LD IY,48231 IY=FrameId_Wally.
46032 LD HL,46014 HL=46014.
46035 LD B,5 B=5.
46037 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
46038 LD (IY+10),152 Write 152 to IY+10.
46042 LD A,(IY+5)
46045 CP (HL)
46046 JR Z,46109
46048 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
46049 LD A,(IY+15)
46052 CP 22
46054 JR Z,46067
46056 LD (IY+15),22
46060 LD (IY+5),0
46064 POP AF
46065 SCF
46066 PUSH AF
46067 POP AF
46068 PUSH HL
46069 JR NC,46084
46071 LD (IY+60),1
46075 LD (IY+65),1
46079 CALL 45704
46082 JR 46095
46084 LD (IY+60),255
46088 LD (IY+65),255
46092 CALL 45704
46095 POP HL
46096 POP BC
46097 LD IY,48231
46101 CALL 61121
46104 CALL Draw_Characters_CurrentRoom
46107 JR 46028
46109 LD A,(IY+15)
46112 CP 22
46114 JR NZ,46048
46116 POP BC
46117 INC HL
46118 INC IY
46120 DJNZ 46037
46122 LD A,(63195)
46125 OR A
46126 JR Z,46097
46128 LD DE,1024 DE=1024.
46131 LD HL,32360 HL=Messaging_Banner_Underline.
46134 CALL Controller_Tile Call Controller_Tile.
46137 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
46140 CALL Clear_Screen Call Clear_Screen.
46143 LD DE,2 DE=0002.
46146 LD HL,31862 HL=Messaging_Congratulations.
46149 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
46152 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
46155 CALL PrintWages Call PrintWages.
46158 JP GameLoop Jump to GameLoop.
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