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33156: Game Loop
Used by the routines at 23424, 46014 and GameOver.
GameLoop 33156 DI Disable interrupts.
33157 LD SP,64512 Set the stack pointer to ShadowBuffer_Attribute.
33160 CALL GameMenu Call GameMenu.
33163 CALL Game_Initialisation Call Game_Initialisation.
33166 CALL PrintBanner Call PrintBanner.
33169 CALL 33083 Call 33083.
This entry point is used by the routine at 60919.
Game_Running_Loop 33172 CALL 60245 Call 60245.
33175 CALL 60095 Call 60095.
33178 CALL 44038 Call 44038.
33181 CALL Handler_ChangeCharacters Call Handler_ChangeCharacters.
33184 CALL 45215 Call 45215.
33187 CALL 33198 Call 33198.
33190 CALL 33220 Call 33220.
33193 CALL 60714 Call 60714.
33196 JR Game_Running_Loop Jump to Game_Running_Loop.
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