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58348: Play square wave sound.
Used by the routine at PlayWaveSequence.
Flip speaker on (set bit 4).
PlaySquareWave 58348 LD A,%00010000 A=16 (speaker on = bit 4).
58350 OUT (254),A
58352 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
PlaySquareWave_Loop 58353 DJNZ PlaySquareWave_Loop Decrease duration by one and loop back to PlaySquareWave_Loop until counter is zero.
58355 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
Flip speaker off (unset bit 4).
58356 LD A,%00000000 A=0 (speaker off).
58358 OUT (254),A
58360 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
Silence_Loop 58361 DJNZ Silence_Loop Decrease duration by one and loop back to Silence_Loop until counter is zero.
58363 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
58364 RET Return.
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