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58365: Print Banner
Used by the routines at Demo_Start, GameLoop and Handler_ChangeCharacters.
Clear the banner screen buffer area.
PrintBanner 58365 CALL Clear_Banner Call Clear_Banner.
Display the banner.
58368 LD HL,32319 HL=Messaging_Banner.
58371 LD DE,16 DE=0016.
58374 CALL Controller_Tile Call Controller_Tile.
Display the current character name in the banner.
58377 LD H,124 H=124.
58379 LD L,(IY-35) L=IY-35.
58382 LD C,69 C=69 (attribute: INK: CYAN, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) ).
58384 LD DE,27 DE=0027 (screen co-ordinates).
58387 CALL Controller_Tile Call Controller_Tile.
Displays the endurance meter and lives.
58390 CALL 58221 Call 58221.
Display the currently held items.
58393 CALL PrintCharacterItems Call PrintCharacterItems.
58396 RET Return.
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