Prev: 24852 Up: Map Next: 24904
24875: Routine at 612B
Used by the routine at 29026.
XXX 24875 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack for later.
24876 PUSH BC Stash BC, HL and DE on the stack.
24877 PUSH HL
24878 PUSH DE
24879 CALL 24852 Call 24852.
24882 POP DE Retrieve DE, HL and BC from the stack.
24883 POP HL
24884 POP BC
24885 INC L
24886 LD A,L
24887 AND %11100000 Keep only bits 5-7.
24889 JR Z,XXXX
24891 XOR A
24892 LD L,A
24893 INC H
24895 LD A,D
24896 OR E
24899 POP AF Retrieve AF from the stack.
24900 RET Return.
Else, loop back to the start.
XXXXX 24901 POP AF Retrieve AF from the stack.
24902 JR XXX Jump back to XXX.
Prev: 24852 Up: Map Next: 24904