Prev: 28965 Up: Map Next: 29210
29026: Routine at 7162
Used by the routine at 30036.
29026 LD A,(23296) A=23296.
29029 OR A
29030 JP NZ,25935
29033 LD A,0 Set the border to BLACK .
29035 OUT (254),A
29037 LD HL,15872 Copy 200 bytes of data from 15872 (CHARSET) to Font.
29040 LD DE,26848
29043 LD BC,200
29046 LDIR
Draw the sky.
29048 LD HL,0 Writes 45 to all but the botttom row of the playarea attribute space and UDG 0 to each block using XXX.
29051 LD C,45
29053 LD DE,512
29056 CALL XXX
Draw the sea.
29059 LD DE,32 Writes 121 to the bottom row of the playarea attribute space and UDG 9 to each block using XXX.
29062 LD A,9
29064 LD C,121
29066 CALL XXX
29069 LD C,0 Writes 0 to the next row down of the attribute space and UDG 0 to each block using XXX.
29071 XOR A
29072 LD DE,32
29075 CALL XXX
29078 LD DE,29247 DE=Messaging_Banner.
29081 LD C,7 C=7.
29083 LD B,32 B=32.
29085 CALL Process_UDG_Data Call Process_UDG_Data.
29088 XOR A A=0.
29089 LD DE,32 DE=0032.
29092 LD C,0 C=0.
29094 CALL XXX Call XXX.
29097 LD DE,29279 DE=Messaging_Dashboard.
29100 LD B,32 B=32.
29102 LD C,7 C=7.
29104 CALL Process_UDG_Data Call Process_UDG_Data.
29107 CALL Draw_Gauge Call Draw_Gauge.
29110 LD DE,29311 DE=Messaging_Artillery.
29113 LD B,32 B=32.
29115 LD C,7 C=7.
29117 CALL Process_UDG_Data Call Process_UDG_Data.
29120 CALL Draw_Gauge Call Draw_Gauge.
29123 DI
29124 PUSH IX
29126 LD IX,23200
29130 LD (IX+0),80
29134 LD (IX+31),32
29138 LD (IX+79),32
29142 LD (IX+95),32
29146 POP IX
29148 EI
29149 LD HL,20480
29152 LD B,32
29154 PUSH BC
29155 PUSH HL
29156 CALL 24758
29159 LD A,L
29160 POP HL
29161 LD (HL),A
29162 INC HL
29163 POP BC
29164 DJNZ 29154
29166 LD HL,29210
29169 LD (23338),HL
29172 LD A,1
29174 LD (23296),A
29177 LD HL,(23672)
29180 LD (23349),HL
29183 LD A,2 A=2.
29185 CALL 5633 Call CHAN_OPEN.
29188 LD BC,1543 BC=1543.
29191 CALL 3545 Call CL_SET.
29194 LD A,7 Write 7 to ATTR-T.
29196 LD (23695),A
29199 LD BC,(30399) BC=30399.
29203 CALL 6683 Call OUT_NUM_1.
29206 LD A,"0" Print "0" to the screen.
29208 RST 16
29209 RET Return.
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