Prev: 74C1 Up: Map Next: 75EC
7574: Routine at 7574
7574 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
757A DEFB $00
757B DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
7583 DEFB $00,$00
This entry point is used by the routine at SquiggleLine.
7585 LD IY,$B9C8 IY=B9C8.
7589 XOR A A=$00.
This entry point is used by the routine at 82B3.
758A LD ($B71B),A Write A to B71B.
758D CALL $785F Call 785F.
7590 LD ($B706),A Write $00 to B706.
7593 LD E,$FF E=$FF.
7595 LD A,($B71A) A=B71A.
7598 AND A
7599 LD D,$A0 D=$A0.
759B JP NZ,$7614 If A is not zero jump to 7614.
759E LD D,$C0
This entry point is used by the routines at 75FA and 8251.
75A0 XOR A Write $00 to 757A.
75A1 LD ($757A),A
75A4 LD A,E
75A5 OR $C7
75A7 LD E,A
75A8 LD A,($B719)
75AB CP $02
75AD JR NZ,$75B1
75AF RES 1,E
75B1 CALL $7864 Call 7864.
This entry point is used by the routines at 76F2, 7733, 77D1, 82B3 and DisplayLocHlpMsg.
75B4 LD HL,$757B Write $00 to 0A bytes, starting from 757B (using Blanker).
75B7 LD B,$0A
75B9 CALL Blanker
75BC SET 4,E Set bit 4 of E.
This entry point is used by the routine at 7790.
75BE CALL $7873 Call 7873.
75C1 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
75C5 LD E,A Create an offset in DE.
75C6 LD D,$00
75C8 LD HL,$75D2 HL=JumpTable + offset.
75CC LD E,(HL) DE=Address from the jump table.
75CE LD D,(HL)
75CF EX DE,HL Switch HL and DE.
75D0 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
75D1 JP (HL) Indirect jump to the address held in HL.
JumpTable 75D2 DEFW $76F2
75D4 DEFW $7795
75D6 DEFW $76EC
75D8 DEFW $7733
75DA DEFW $772F
75DC DEFW $77D1
75DE DEFW $77C9
75E0 DEFW $77A2
75E2 DEFW $7790
75E4 DEFW $8251
75E6 DEFW $770B
75E8 DEFW $75FA
75EA DEFW $75F6
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