Prev: 29889 Up: Map Next: 30188
30068: Routine at 7574
30068 DEFB 0,0,0,0,0,0
30074 DEFB 0
30075 DEFB 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
30083 DEFB 0,0
This entry point is used by the routine at SquiggleLine.
30085 LD IY,47560 IY=47560.
30089 XOR A A=$00.
This entry point is used by the routine at 33459.
30090 LD (46875),A Write A to 46875.
30093 CALL 30815 Call 30815.
30096 LD (46854),A Write $00 to 46854.
30099 LD E,255 E=$FF.
30101 LD A,(46874) A=46874.
30104 AND A
30105 LD D,160 D=$A0.
30107 JP NZ,30228 If A is not zero jump to 30228.
30110 LD D,192
This entry point is used by the routines at 30202 and 33361.
30112 XOR A Write $00 to 30074.
30113 LD (30074),A
30116 LD A,E
30117 OR 199
30119 LD E,A
30120 LD A,(46873)
30123 CP 2
30125 JR NZ,30129
30127 RES 1,E
30129 CALL 30820 Call 30820.
This entry point is used by the routines at 30450, 30515, 30673, 33459 and DisplayLocHlpMsg.
30132 LD HL,30075 Write $00 to 10 bytes, starting from 30075 (using Blanker).
30135 LD B,10
30137 CALL Blanker
30140 SET 4,E Set bit 4 of E.
This entry point is used by the routine at 30608.
30142 CALL 30835 Call 30835.
30145 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
30146 RRCA
30147 RRCA
30148 RRCA
30149 LD E,A Create an offset in DE.
30150 LD D,0
30152 LD HL,30162 HL=JumpTable + offset.
30155 ADD HL,DE
30156 LD E,(HL) DE=Address from the jump table.
30157 INC HL
30158 LD D,(HL)
30159 EX DE,HL Switch HL and DE.
30160 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
30161 JP (HL) Indirect jump to the address held in HL.
JumpTable 30162 DEFW 30450
30164 DEFW 30613
30166 DEFW 30444
30168 DEFW 30515
30170 DEFW 30511
30172 DEFW 30673
30174 DEFW 30665
30176 DEFW 30626
30178 DEFW 30608
30180 DEFW 33361
30182 DEFW 30475
30184 DEFW 30202
30186 DEFW 30198
Prev: 29889 Up: Map Next: 30188