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962B: "You see ..." Routines
Used by the routine at Action_Dir.
YouSeeEntry 962B LD HL,$B000 HL="You see[0x16]".
962E JR YouSeeWrapper Jump to YouSeeWrapper.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Look, Action_Dir and ActionClimbOut.
YouSeePreposition 9630 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
9631 CALL LocateLocation Call LocateLocation.
9634 LD A,(IX+$00) Fetch the location attribute, keep only bits 1-3 which signify the location preposition ("IN", "ON", "AT", etc).
9637 AND %00001110
9639 LD E,A Create an offset for the preposition word look-up.
963A LD D,$00
963C LD HL,$BA80 Add the offset to BA80.
9640 LD E,(HL) Fetch the referenced text bytes which display the preposition word.
9641 INC HL
9642 LD D,(HL)
9643 LD HL,$AFFD Write the text tokens to $AFFD which updates the copy for "You are XXXX[0x16]".
9646 LD (HL),D
9647 INC HL
9648 LD (HL),E
9649 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
964A LD HL,$AFFC HL="You are in[0x16]".
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionCapture.
YouSeeWrapper 964D PUSH IX Stash IX, IY and BC on the stack.
9651 PUSH BC
9652 CALL YouSeeStart Call YouSeeStart.
9655 POP BC Restore BC, IY and IX from the stack.
9656 POP IY
9658 POP IX
965A RET Return.
From here starts the "intro" to a location;
  • Print the "You see[0x16]" text
  • Handle printing the location data message for this location (if one exists)
  • Handles initiating the location graphics/ drawing (if it exists)
  • Handles waiting for a keypress (if something was drawn)
  • Prints available exits
YouSeeStart 965B LD B,A Store A in B temporarily.
965C CALL LocateLocation Call LocateLocation to set IX to point to the appropriate location data for the current location.
965F CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
9662 LD L,(IX+$08) Load the location data offset for the current location description.
9665 LD H,(IX+$09)
9668 LD A,H Check that there is a value for the description, set zero flag if not.
9669 OR L
966A CALL YouSeePrint Call YouSeePrint.
966D LD A,B Restore the previous value of A (the location ID).
966E CALL Drawing Call Drawing.
9671 LD A,($7F77) Test if LocationID contains $FF, call WaitForKey2 if it does not (i.e. wait for a keypress only if something has been drawn).
9674 INC A
9675 CALL NZ,WaitForKey2
9678 CALL $8583 Call 8583.
967B LD A,B Restore the previous value of A (the location ID).
967C CALL $A0C8 Call A0C8.
YouSeeExits 967F LD A,B Restore the previous value of A (the location ID).
9680 CALL DisplayExits Call DisplayExits.
9683 JP $9F94 Jump to 9F94.
YouSeePrint 9686 JP NZ,PrintMsg Print the location description if one is present.
YouSeeNext 9689 LD DE,$0002 DE=$0002.
968C PUSH IY Stash IY on the stack.
9690 POP IY
9692 ADD IY,DE IY=IY + $0002 (from DE).
9694 CALL $9ED6 Call 9ED6.
9697 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
9699 RET Return.
This is almost a carbon copy of WaitForKey only differing in that it ends with a return.
WaitForKey2 969A XOR A Read from the keyboard port.
969B IN A,($FE)
969D AND %00011111 A pressed key from any line will set its respective bit; bit 0 (outer key) to bit 4 (inner key). Hence keep only bits 0-4 for the check.
969F CP $1F Loop back to WaitForKey2 until any key has been pressed.
96A1 JR Z,WaitForKey2
96A3 LD A,$07 Set the border to white.
96A5 OUT ($FE),A
96A7 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Dir.
YouSeeController 96A8 CALL LocateLocation Call LocateLocation.
96AB CALL YouSeeNext Call YouSeeNext.
96AE CALL $8583 Call 8583.
96B1 JR YouSeeExits Jump to YouSeeExits.
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