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33775: Game Over
GameOver 33775 CALL GameOver_Start Call GameOver_Start.
33778 JP 33459 Jump to 33459.
Actions "game over".
GameOver_Start 33781 PUSH HL Stash HL and DE on the stack.
33782 PUSH DE
33783 XOR A Write $00 to WaitCoutdown.
33784 LD (46849),A
33787 LD HL,46164 HL="you have mastered [0x16]"
33790 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
33793 LD HL,(46839) HL=PercentageComplete.
33796 LD DE,100 DE=$0064 (i.e. "100" in decimal).
33799 CALL PercentageAscii Call PercentageAscii.
33802 CALL NZ,34187 If the result is non-zero, call 34187.
33805 LD DE,10 DE=$000A (i.e. "10" in decimal).
33808 CALL PercentageAscii Call PercentageAscii.
33811 CALL 34187 Call 34187.
33814 LD A,46 A=$2E (i.e. a period in ASCII, as the produced percentage is a float).
33816 CALL 34187 Call 34187.
33819 LD A,L A=the percentage digit, plus $30 to convert to ASCII.
33820 ADD A,48
33822 CALL 34187 Call 34187.
33825 XOR A Write $00 to 46852.
33826 LD (46852),A
33829 LD HL,46178 HL="% of this adventure"
33832 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
33835 POP DE Restore DE and HL from the stack.
33836 POP HL
33837 RET Return.
Converts e.g. "0075" into "7.5" in ASCII for display purposes.
PercentageAscii 33838 LD A,47 A=$2F (ASCII "0" less one, due to the following line being the loop and so, incrementing to $30 - which is ASCII "0").
PercentageAscii_Loop 33840 INC A Increment A by one.
33841 AND A
33842 SBC HL,DE Subtract DE (either 100 or 10) from HL.
33844 JR NC,PercentageAscii_Loop Jump back to PercentageAscii_Loop if there's no carry.
33846 ADD HL,DE HL=HL + DE.
33847 CP 48 Compare against $30 (ASCII "0") to set flags for the return.
33849 RET Return.
I don't believe this is ever used?
33850 LD A,4 Set the border to $04 (green).
33852 OUT (254),A
33854 CALL DebounceAnyKey Call DebounceAnyKey.
WaitForKey 33857 XOR A Read from the keyboard port.
33858 IN A,(254)
33860 AND %00011111 A pressed key from any line will set its respective bit; bit 0 (outer key) to bit 4 (inner key). Hence keep only bits 0-4 for the check.
33862 CP 31 Loop back to WaitForKey until any key has been pressed.
33864 JR NZ,WaitForKey
33866 LD A,7 Set the border to $07 (white).
33868 OUT (254),A
33870 JP 33459 Jump to 33459.
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