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39557: Routine at 9A85
Used by the routines at Action_Talkto and 38579.
A The index to search for
39557 PUSH DE Stash DE and BC on the stack.
39558 PUSH BC
39559 LD B,A B=A (search key).
39560 LD HL,51915 HL=51915.
39563 LD DE,7 DE=$0007.
39566 LD A,(HL) If the current pointer matches our key jump to 39578.
39567 CP B
39568 JR Z,39578
39570 CP 255 If we've reached the termination character then jump to 39578.
39572 JR Z,39578
39574 ADD HL,DE Increase the pointer address by $0007 (using DE).
39575 JP 39566 Jump to 39566.
39578 POP BC Restore BC and DE from the stack.
39579 POP DE
39580 PUSH HL IY=HL.
39581 POP IY
39583 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Examine and 38579.
39584 PUSH IY Store IY and IX on the stack.
39586 PUSH IX
39588 CALL 39557 Call 39557.
39591 CP 255 Jump to 39624 if the termination character was reached.
39593 JR Z,39624
39595 LD L,(IY+4) HL=
39598 LD H,(IY+5)
39601 PUSH HL IX=HL.
39602 POP IX
39604 LD A,B
39605 CALL IndexIdTable Call IndexIdTable.
39608 CP 255 Jump to 39624 if the termination character was reached.
39610 JR Z,39624
39612 LD L,(IX+1) Store ... TODO
39615 LD H,(IX+2)
39618 LD (IY+2),L
39621 LD (IY+3),H
39624 POP IX Restore IX and IY from the stack.
39626 POP IY
39628 RET Return.
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