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37850: Action Examine
Used by the routine at ActionClimbOut.
Action_Examine 37850 CALL 40260 Call 40260.
37853 LD A,(46824) A=CurrentObject
37856 CALL LocateObject Call LocateObject.
37859 LD L,(IX+14) HL=offset for object help text.
37862 LD H,(IX+15)
37865 LD A,H If this value is not $0000 then jump to PrintMsg.
37866 OR L
37867 JP NZ,PrintMsg
37870 LD HL,45056 HL="You see[0x16]"
37873 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
37878 POP IY
37880 CALL 40647 Call 40647.
37883 LD A,46
37885 CALL 34187 Call 34187.
37888 CALL 34179 Call 34179.
37891 RET Return.
37892 LD IX,(46856)
37896 CALL ActionClimbOut_4
37899 JP Z,DisplayExits_3
37902 LD A,(46824)
37905 CALL ObjectCount
37908 CP 0
37910 JR Z,Action_Examine_0
37912 CALL 40260
37915 CALL 40272
37918 RES 2,(IX+7)
37922 RET
Action_Examine_0 37923 LD A,2
37925 JP DisplayExits_3
37928 CALL Action_Putdown_4
37931 CALL 40260
37934 LD A,(46838)
37937 LD IX,(46858)
37941 LD B,(IX+0)
Action_Examine_1 37944 CP (IX+16)
37947 JR Z,Action_Examine_2
37949 INC IX
37951 DJNZ Action_Examine_1
37953 JP ICannotDoThat
Action_Examine_2 37956 LD A,(IX+17)
37959 DEC B
37960 JR NZ,Action_Examine_3
37962 XOR A
Action_Examine_3 37963 PUSH AF
37964 LD HL,44540 HL="and it get(s|d|ing|es) swept away"
37967 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
37970 POP AF
37971 LD IX,(46856)
37975 LD (IX+16),A
37978 LD (IX+1),255
37982 LD B,A
37983 LD A,(46824)
37986 CALL 39901
37989 LD A,(49451)
37992 AND A
37993 JP Z,YouAreDead
37996 RET
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionBurn.
Action_Examine_4 37997 CALL DisplayExits_15
38000 JP NZ,DisplayExits_3
38003 LD A,198
Action_Examine_5 38005 LD (38027),A
38008 LD IY,(46858)
38012 BIT 3,(IY+7)
38016 LD A,131
38018 JP NZ,DisplayExits_2
38021 CALL 40260
38024 SET 0,(IX+7)
38028 RET
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionBurn.
Action_Examine_6 38029 LD IX,(46856)
38033 BIT 0,(IX+7)
38037 LD A,0
38039 JP Z,DisplayExits_3
38042 CALL DisplayExits_16
38045 JP NZ,DisplayExits_3
38048 LD A,134
38050 JR Action_Examine_5
38052 CALL Action_Look_1
38055 LD A,(46825)
38058 CALL 40744
38061 CP 255
38063 JP Z,40822
38066 LD IY,(46858)
38070 BIT 5,(IY+7)
38074 LD A,5
38076 JP Z,DisplayExits_2
38079 CALL 40260
38082 LD B,(IX+2)
38085 LD IX,(46856)
38089 LD (IX+1),255
38093 LD (IX+16),B
38096 LD A,(46824)
38099 JP 39901
This entry point is used by the routine at 30673.
Action_Examine_7 38102 PUSH IX
38104 PUSH HL
38105 CALL 39748
38108 LD A,0
38110 JR Z,Action_Examine_8
38112 LD A,(46823)
38115 LD IX,50992
38119 CALL IndexIdTable
38122 CP 255
38124 LD A,1
38126 JR NZ,Action_Examine_8
38128 CALL DisplayExits_11
38131 LD A,1
38133 JR Z,Action_Examine_8
38135 LD A,(46824)
38138 CALL LocateObject
38141 LD A,(46823)
38144 CALL 39809
38147 LD A,1
38149 JR C,Action_Examine_8
38151 SUB A
Action_Examine_8 38152 LD (46843),A
38155 POP HL
38156 POP IX
38158 RET
This entry point is used by the routines at 30673 and 38579.
Action_Examine_9 38159 PUSH HL
38160 PUSH IX
38162 PUSH BC
38163 CALL 39748
38166 JP Z,Action_Examine_15
38169 CALL LocationLit
38172 JR NC,Action_Examine_11
38174 LD A,(46865)
38177 AND A
38178 JR NZ,Action_Examine_10
38180 CALL 40056
38183 JR NC,Action_Examine_10
38185 LD A,(46825)
38188 CALL 40059
38191 JR C,Action_Examine_11
Action_Examine_10 38193 LD HL,44996 HL="i see nothing here"
38196 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
38199 JR CheckLit
Action_Examine_11 38201 LD A,(46846)
38204 CP 1
38206 JP Z,CheckValidAction
38209 LD A,(46824)
38212 CP 255
38214 JP Z,CheckValidAction
38217 CALL LocateObject
38220 LD (46856),IX
38224 LD A,(46824)
38227 CALL 38696
38230 JR NZ,CheckLit
38232 LD A,(46825)
38235 CP 255
38237 JR Z,Action_Examine_12
38239 LD A,(46847)
38242 CP 1
38244 JR Z,CheckValidAction
38246 LD A,(46825)
38249 CALL LocateObject
38252 LD (46858),IX
38256 CALL 38696
38259 JR NZ,CheckLit
38261 CALL DisplayExits_11
38264 JR Z,Action_Examine_13
Action_Examine_12 38266 LD IX,(46856)
Action_Examine_13 38270 LD A,(46823)
38273 CALL 39809
38276 JR NC,CheckValidAction
Action_Examine_14 38278 LD L,(IX+1) Fetch the action address from the action table and store it in HL.
38281 LD H,(IX+2)
38284 CALL TriggerAction Call TriggerAction.
38287 INC IX
38289 INC IX
38291 INC IX
38293 SUB A
38294 CP (IX+0)
38297 JR Z,Action_Examine_14
CheckLit 38299 LD A,(46842) If 46842 is not $01 then jump to CheckReturn.
38302 CP 1
38304 JR NZ,CheckReturn
This check is a little unnecessary as the first thing the routine at LocationLit does, is to check exactly this...
38306 LD A,(46826) If CurrentCharacter is not $00 (i.e. "You") then skip the "is location lit" check, instead jump to CheckAction.
38309 CP 0
38311 JR NZ,CheckAction
LocationLit uses the carry flag to indicate if it is light or dark.
38313 CALL LocationLit If the location is dark then call PrintMsg to tell the user "it is dark".
38316 CALL C,PrintMsg
CheckAction 38319 LD A,(46823) B=CurrentAction.
38322 LD B,A
38323 LD A,(46824) Call Action_Examine_16 with IX=46856 and A=CurrentObject.
38326 LD IX,(46856)
38330 CALL Action_Examine_16
38333 LD A,(46825) Call Action_Examine_16 with IX=46858 and A=46825.
38336 LD IX,(46858)
38340 CALL Action_Examine_16
Performs housekeeping and returns.
CheckReturn 38343 POP BC Restore BC, IX and HL from the stack.
38344 POP IX
38346 POP HL
38347 RET Return.
Checks if the action given is valid.
CheckValidAction 38348 LD A,(46823) Call IndexIdTable with ActionTable, to match the key value of CurrentAction.
38351 LD IX,50992
38355 CALL IndexIdTable
38358 CP 255 If the termination character was not reached because an action did match, jump to Action_Examine_14.
38360 JR NZ,Action_Examine_14
Action_Examine_15 38362 CALL ICannotDoThat Else, call ICannotDoThat and jump to CheckReturn.
38365 JR CheckReturn
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_ThrowAt.
Action_Examine_16 38367 BIT 6,(IX+7) Return if the object is marked as being a "Fluid".
38371 RET Z
38372 BIT 3,(IX+7) Return if the object is not marked as "Gives Light".
38376 RET NZ
38377 CALL 39584 Call 39584.
38380 RET Return.
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