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6F7B: Highlight Menu Line
A The active menu item number
HighlightMenuLine 6F7B LD C,$03 C= MAGENTA.
6F7D LD ($6F02),A Write A to *ControlMethod.
This entry point is used by the routine at ClearActiveMenuItem.
SetActiveMenuItem 6F80 LD A,($6F02) Fetch *ControlMethod.
Locate the desired line for highlighting.
6F83 LD HL,$58EB HL=58EB (attribute buffer location).
6F86 LD DE,$0020 DE=20 (one line).
Keep moving down one line in relation to the active menu number.
FindMenuLine 6F89 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
6F8A DEC A Decrease A by one and jump back to FindMenuLine until the correct line is referenced.
6F8B JR NZ,FindMenuLine
Highlight the line.
6F8D LD B,$12 Set a counter of 12 (the maximum number of characters on any line).
HighlightMenuLine_Loop 6F8F LD (HL),C Write the attribute byte to the currently referenced attribute buffer location.
6F90 INC HL Increment the referenced attribute buffer location by one.
6F91 DJNZ HighlightMenuLine_Loop Decrease the counter by one and loop back to HighlightMenuLine_Loop until the whole line is highlighted.
6F93 RET Return.
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