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6E9D: Title Screen
TitleScreen 6E9D LD HL,$6E9D Write TitleScreen to *ERR_SP.
6EA0 LD ($5C3D),HL
6EA3 DEC HL Set the stack pointer to 6E9C.
6EA5 CALL DisplayTitleScreen Call DisplayTitleScreen.
6EA8 LD A,($6F02) Highlight the currently selected menu item in ControlMethod.
6EAB CALL HighlightMenuLine
6EAE CALL ResetThemeTune Call ResetThemeTune.
TitleScreen_Loop 6EB1 CALL $028E Call KEY_SCAN.
6EB4 LD A,%00001111 Mask off bits 4-7.
6EB7 CP $04 Jump to TitleScreenRouting if there is any input.
6EB9 JR Z,TitleScreenRouting
6EBD JR Z,TitleScreenRouting
6EBF CP $03
6EC1 JR Z,TitleScreenRouting
6EC3 CP $0B
6EC5 JR Z,TitleScreenRouting
TitleScreenNoInput 6EC7 CALL HandlerThemeTune Call HandlerThemeTune.
6ECA JR TitleScreen_Loop Loop back around to TitleScreen_Loop.
Handler directing the keypress to the appropriate routines.
TitleScreenRouting 6ECC LD A,E Fetch the user input.
6ECD CP $23 Jump to TitleScreenNoInput if E is 23.
6ECF JR Z,TitleScreenNoInput
6ED1 CP $24 Jump to TitleScreen_DefineKeysSelected if "DEFINE KEYBOARD" was selected.
6ED3 JR Z,TitleScreen_DefineKeysSelected
6ED5 CP $1C Jump to TitleScreen_KempstonSelected if "KEMPSTON" was selected.
6ED7 JR Z,TitleScreen_KempstonSelected
6ED9 CP $14 Jump to TitleScreen_CursorSelected if "CURSOR" was selected.
6EDB JR Z,TitleScreen_CursorSelected
6EDD CP $0C Jump to TitleScreen_SinclairIF2Selected if "SINCLAIR IF2" was selected.
6EDF JR Z,TitleScreen_SinclairIF2Selected
6EE1 CP $04 Jump to TitleScreen_KeyboardSelected if "KEYBOARD" was selected.
6EE3 JR Z,TitleScreen_KeyboardSelected
6EE5 CP $03 Jump to StartGame if "START GAME" was selected.
6EE7 JP Z,StartGame
6EEA CP $0B Jump to DisplayInformationPages if "INFORMATION" was selected.
6EEC JP Z,DisplayInformationPages
6EEF CP $13 Jump to DisplayWinnersListPage if "WINNERS LIST" was selected.
6EF1 JP Z,DisplayWinnersListPage
Else "9" was pressed which is "RETURN TO BASIC".
6EF4 LD HL,$6F03 Delete the game code and jump to RESET.
6EF7 LD DE,$6F04
6EFF JP $0064
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