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704A: Display Winners List Page
Used by the routines at TitleScreenRouting and WinnersTableNameEntry.
DisplayWinnersListPage 704A LD A,$07 Write WHITE to *ATTR_P.
704C LD ($5C8D),A
704F CALL $0DAF Call CL_ALL.
7052 LD HL,$0000 Copy 1B00 bytes of data from the Spectrum ROM (literally from address 0000 to the screen buffer!)
7055 LD DE,$4000
7058 LD BC,$1B00
705D LD DE,$7073 DE=Messaging_WinnersList.
7060 LD BC,$0227 Set the screen co-ordinates to 0227.
7063 CALL $203C Call PR_STRING.
7066 RES 5,(IY+$01) Reset bit 5 of *FLAGS which resets "when a new key has been pressed".
Big pause HALT loop 10000 times, can be interrupted with a keypress.
706A LD BC,$0000 BC=0000.
706D CALL $1F3D Call PAUSE_1.
7070 JP TitleScreen Jump to TitleScreen.
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