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28746: Display Winners List Page
Used by the routines at TitleScreenRouting and WinnersTableNameEntry.
DisplayWinnersListPage 28746 LD A,7 Write WHITE to *ATTR_P.
28748 LD (23693),A
28751 CALL 3503 Call CL_ALL.
28754 LD HL,0 Copy 6912 bytes of data from the Spectrum ROM (literally from address 0000 to the screen buffer!)
28757 LD DE,16384
28760 LD BC,6912
28763 LDIR
28765 LD DE,28787 DE=Messaging_WinnersList.
28768 LD BC,551 Set the screen co-ordinates to 551.
28771 CALL 8252 Call PR_STRING.
28774 RES 5,(IY+1) Reset bit 5 of *FLAGS which resets "when a new key has been pressed".
Big pause HALT loop 65536 times, can be interrupted with a keypress.
28778 LD BC,0 BC=0000.
28781 CALL 7997 Call PAUSE_1.
28784 JP TitleScreen Jump to TitleScreen.
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