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779F: Life Lost
Used by the routine at PlayerLostRound.
LifeLost 779F DI Disable interrupts.
77A0 XOR A I=00.
77A1 LD I,A
77A3 LD C,$03 Set a counter in C for the total number of loops: 03.
BorderFlash 77A5 LD B,$00 Set the inner counter in B to 00 (which is 0100 as it's decreased by one on the first loop).
BorderFlash_Loop 77A7 XOR A Initialise the border to 00 using A.
BorderFlashInner_Loop 77A8 OUT ($FE),A Set the border to the colour in A.
77AA DEC A Decrease A by one and jump back to BorderFlashInner_Loop until A is zero.
77AB JR NZ,BorderFlashInner_Loop
77AD DJNZ BorderFlash_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to BorderFlash_Loop until counter is zero.
77AF DEC C Decrease the loops counter by one and jump back to BorderFlash until the counter is zero.
77B0 JR NZ,BorderFlash
77B2 LD HL,($5CA8) Jump to 77C0 if *MEMBOT (mem-4+02) is not zero.
77B5 LD A,H
77B6 OR L
77B7 JR NZ,$77C0
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
01 message-08-00 02 message-08-01
03 message-08-02 04 message-08-03
77B9 LD A,$08 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 08.
77BB CALL Messaging_Girl
77BE EI Enable interrupts.
77BF RET Return.
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