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8F3B: Player Lost Round
Used by the routine at GirlWonRound.
PlayerLostRound 8F3B LD A,($8F7C) Jump to LostRound_GameOver if *PlayerLives is zero.
8F3F JR Z,LostRound_GameOver
The player lost, so lose a life...
8F41 DEC A Decrease *PlayerLives by one.
8F42 LD ($8F7C),A
Replenish the player and girls cash reserves.
8F45 LD HL,$6464 Write 6464 to PlayerCash.
8F48 LD ($96B5),HL
8F4B LD A,$08 A=08 (does nothing, this is immediately overwritten).
8F4D CALL LifeLost Call LifeLost.
8F50 XOR A Return with A=00.
8F51 RET
Display a random "Round lost" message.
ID Message ID Message
01 message-14-00 02 message-14-01
03 message-14-02
LostRound_GameOver 8F52 LD A,$0E Call Messaging_Girl using message block 0E.
8F54 CALL Messaging_Girl
8F57 LD A,$01 Return with A=01.
8F59 RET
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