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9386: Check For Flush
Used by the routine at CheckFullHouse.
Check if there is a flush.
CheckFlush 9386 CALL Handler_Flush Call Handler_Flush.
9389 JR NZ,CheckStraight Jump to CheckStraight if there are no flush matches.
There is a flush! Process it.
938B LD A,(IX+$00) A=*IX+00.
938E LD B,$04 B=04.
CheckFlush_0 9390 SRA A Shift A right (with carry).
9392 DJNZ CheckFlush_0 Decrease counter by one and loop back to CheckFlush_0 until counter is zero.
9394 LD ($949D),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCardSuit.
Record this hand "type".
9397 LD A,$06 Write "Flush" to *TableHandEvaluation_Type.
9399 LD ($949B),A
939C LD D,$00 D=00.
939E PUSH IX HL=IX (using the stack).
93A1 LD B,$05 B=05.
CheckFlush_1 93A3 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
93A4 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
93A6 CP D Jump to CheckFlush_2 if A is higher than D.
93A7 JR NC,CheckFlush_2
93A9 LD D,A D=A.
CheckFlush_2 93AA DJNZ CheckFlush_1 Decrease counter by one and loop back to CheckFlush_1 until counter is zero.
93AC LD ($949C),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
93AF RET Return.
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