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FB3A: Reset Theme Tune
Used by the routine at TitleScreen.
ResetThemeTune FB3A LD HL,$FD09 Write FD09 to *FB55.
FB3D LD ($FB55),HL
FB40 LD HL,$FE30 Write FE30 to *FB59.
FB43 LD ($FB59),HL
This entry point is used by the routine at TitleScreen.
HandlerThemeTune FB46 DI Disable interrupts.
HandlerThemeTune_Loop FB47 CALL PlayThemeTune Call PlayThemeTune.
Handle if no keys are being pressed, for reference:
In all instances the E register is returned with a value in the range of +00 to +27 the value being different for each of the forty keys of the keyboard, or the value +FF for no-key.
FB4D INC E Set the zero flag if no keys have been pressed.
FB4E JR Z,HandlerThemeTune_Loop Jump back to HandlerThemeTune_Loop unless any key has been pressed.
FB50 EI Enable interrupts.
FB51 RET Return.
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