Page Byte Address Description
64 0 16384
Loading Screen
91 0 23296
93 59 23867
Game Entry Point
93 62 23870
Messaging: Loader
93 144 23952
Data block at 5D90
109 121 28025
110 157 28317
Title Screen
111 2 28418
Control Method
111 3 28419
Title Screen: Define Keys Selected
111 16 28432
Title Screen: Kempston Selected
111 31 28447
Title Screen: Cursor Selected
111 47 28463
Title Screen: Sinclair IF2 Selected
111 63 28479
Title Screen: Keyboard Selected
111 80 28496
Copy Keymap To Defined Keys
111 89 28505
Cursor Keys Keymap
111 99 28515
Sinclair Interface 2 Keymap
111 109 28525
Game status buffer entry at 6F6D
111 119 28535
Clear Active Menu Item
111 123 28539
Highlight Menu Line
111 148 28564
Start Game
111 154 28570
Collect User-Defined Keys
112 73 28745
Current User-Defined Key Index
112 74 28746
Display Winners List Page
112 115 28787
Messaging: Winners List
114 154 29338
Winners Table Name Entry
114 181 29365
Collect Players Name
115 16 29456
Name Entry Delete
115 54 29494
Key Entry Flag
115 55 29495
Shift High Scores
115 104 29544
Table: Winners Pointers
115 129 29569
Name Entry Buffer Pointer
115 131 29571
Name Entry Buffer
115 153 29593
Messaging: Your Name
115 190 29630
Display Information Pages
115 250 29690
Messaging: Information Page 1
118 125 30333
Messaging: Information Page 2
119 159 30623
Life Lost
119 192 30656
Routine at 77C0
119 209 30673
Turn Off Theme Tune
119 219 30683
Data block at 77DB
120 75 30795
Display Title Screen
121 23 30999
Write Attribute Data
121 49 31025
Messaging: Title Screen
121 248 31224
Messaging: Footer Copyright
122 65 31297
Messaging: Space
122 71 31303
Messaging: Enter
122 77 31309
Graphics: Keyboard Icon
123 253 31741
Graphics: Joystick Icon
125 61 32061
Graphics: Information Icon
125 151 32151
Messaging: Girl
126 107 32363
Remove Speech Bubble
126 143 32399
Message Block: 0
127 157 32669
Message Block: 1
128 171 32939
Message Block: 2
129 185 33209
Message Block: 3
130 91 33371
Message Block: 4
131 105 33641
Message Block: 5
132 119 33911
Message Block: 6
133 133 34181
Message Block: 7
133 187 34235
Message Block: 8
134 147 34451
Message Block: 9
135 53 34613
Message Block: 10
136 67 34883
Message Block: 11
136 229 35045
Message Block: 13
137 27 35099
Message Block: 12
137 81 35153
Message Block: 14
137 243 35315
Message Block: 15
138 41 35369
Message Block: 16
139 109 35693
Message Block: 17
140 15 35855
Message Block: 18
140 177 36017
Table: In-Game Messaging
140 234 36074
Message Block: Number Of Messages
140 235 36075
Pointer To Current Message Block
140 237 36077
Pointer To Current Message String
140 239 36079
Message Block: Current Message Block ID
140 240 36080
Initialise New Game
141 62 36158
Print "Game Over"
141 73 36169
Game status buffer entry at 8D49
141 74 36170
Play Game
142 66 36418
Turn Flag
142 67 36419
Game status buffer entry at 8E43
142 68 36420
Check Showdown
142 89 36441
Interaction Counter
142 90 36442
Draw User Interface
142 226 36578
Handler: Showdown
143 6 36614
Girl Won Round
143 32 36640
Player Won Round
143 59 36667
Player Lost Round
143 90 36698
Girl Lost Round
143 124 36732
Player Lives
143 125 36733
Girl Lives
143 126 36734
Print Stats
144 3 36867
Mark Cards
144 84 36948
Selected Marked Card
144 85 36949
Marked Cards
144 90 36954
Selected Marked Card Attribute Buffer
144 92 36956
Mark Cards: Move Cursor Left
144 104 36968
Mark Cards: Move Cursor Right
144 115 36979
Mark Cards: Update Cursor Position
144 147 37011
Mark Cards: Select Card
144 187 37051
Handler: Mark Cards
144 216 37080
Controls: Get Input
145 62 37182
User-Defined Keys
145 72 37192
Read Kempston Joystick
145 113 37233
In-Game: Controls
145 139 37259
In-Game: Move Cursor
145 178 37298
In-Game: Select
145 194 37314
In-Game: Update Cursor Position
145 216 37336
In-Game: Highlighted Option
145 217 37337
Player Action: Drop
145 224 37344
Player Action: Raise
146 45 37421
Player Actions: Hold
146 69 37445
Player Add To Pot
146 88 37464
Handler: Raising
146 197 37573
Game status buffer entry at 92C5
146 198 37574
Messaging: In-Game
147 55 37687
Calculate Hand
147 65 37697
Check For Straight Flush
147 89 37721
Check For Four-Of-A-Kind
147 110 37742
Check For Full-House
147 134 37766
Check For Flush
147 176 37808
Check For Straight
147 201 37833
Check For Three-Of-A-Kind
147 222 37854
Check For Two Pairs
148 18 37906
Check For Pair
148 71 37959
Routine at 9447
148 115 38003
Calculate Card
148 123 38011
Calculate Suit
148 155 38043
Hand Evaluation Table
148 162 38050
Handler: Straight Flush
148 170 38058
Handler: Four Of A Kind
148 184 38072
Handler: Full House
148 193 38081
Handler: Flush
148 199 38087
Handler: Straight
148 218 38106
Handler: Three Of A Kind
148 232 38120
Handler: Two Pairs
149 6 38150
Handler: Pair
149 13 38157
Handler: High Card
149 22 38166
Duplicate Count Pointer
149 24 38168
Count Duplicates
149 64 38208
Table: Count Card Duplicates
149 77 38221
Flush Flag
149 78 38222
Draw Cards
149 121 38265
Get Random Number
149 155 38299
Reset Deck
149 187 38331
Card Deck
149 239 38383
Count Suits
150 12 38412
Girl Artificial Intelligence
150 108 38508
Girl Action: Raise
150 140 38540
Girl Action: Hold
150 161 38561
Girl Add To Pot
150 177 38577
Girl Action: Showdown
150 180 38580
Pot Value
150 181 38581
Player Cash
150 182 38582
Girl Cash
150 183 38583
Current "Raise" Value
150 184 38584
Turn Counter
150 185 38585
Copy Players Evaluation Table
150 192 38592
Copy Girls Evaluation Table
150 199 38599
Players Hand
150 204 38604
Girls Hand
150 209 38609
Girl Mark Cards
151 30 38686
Outcome Types
151 34 38690
Quit Game
151 38 38694
Graphics: Couch
152 34 38946
Jump To InPlay Girl Routine
152 56 38968
Print Girl
152 94 39006
Graphics: Initialise Girl
152 114 39026
Graphics: Print Image Width - 14
152 127 39039
Graphics: Print Left Image Width - 9
152 140 39052
Graphics: Print Right Image Width - 15
152 153 39065
Graphics: Print Left Image Width - 15
152 166 39078
Graphics: Print Right Image Width - 9
152 179 39091
Graphics: Print Image Width - 8
152 192 39104
Graphics: Print Image Width - 10
152 205 39117
Graphics: Print Image Width - 4
152 227 39139
Current Stage
152 228 39140
Current Girl
152 229 39141
Jump Table: Stage Data
153 58 39226
Print Graphic
153 117 39285
Girl 1 Frame 1
165 213 42453
Girl 1 Frame 2
168 201 43209
Girl 1 Frame 3
171 189 43965
Girl 1 Frame 4
174 177 44721
Girl 1 Frame 5
176 232 45288
Girl 1 Frame 6
179 220 46044
Girl 1 Frame 7
182 19 46611
Girl 2 Frame 1
194 115 49779
Girl 2 Frame 2
198 36 50724
Girl 2 Frame 3
201 213 51669
Girl 2 Frame 4
204 12 52236
Girl 2 Frame 5
207 189 53181
Girl 3 Frame 1
220 29 56349
Girl 3 Frame 2
222 3 56835
Girl 3 Frame 3
223 251 57339
Girl 3 Frame 4
226 23 57879
Girl 3 Frame 5
227 19 58131
Print Hand
227 58 58170
Check Card Type
227 154 58266
Graphics: Picture Card
227 184 58296
Print Cards
228 54 58422
Graphics: Cards
229 98 58722
Current Card Suit
229 99 58723
Pointer Card UDG Data
229 103 58727
Graphics: Card Data
230 103 58983
Buffer: Card Data
230 191 59071
Graphics: Card Suits Data
232 31 59423
Card Position
232 32 59424
Graphics: Picture Cards
244 200 62664
Data block at F4C8
244 201 62665
Custom Font
247 202 63434
Print 40 Column Text
248 49 63537
Flag: Shift Letter
248 50 63538
Buffer: Small Custom Font
248 58 63546
Small Custom Font
251 58 64314
Reset Theme Tune
251 82 64338
Data block at FB52
251 85 64341
Data block at FB55
251 87 64343
Data block at FB57
251 94 64350
Routine at FB5E
251 107 64363
Routine at FB6B
251 121 64377
Routine at FB79
251 129 64385
Play Theme Tune
252 14 64526
Data block at FC0E
252 68 64580
Routine at FC44
252 241 64753
Data block at FCF1
253 9 64777
Data block at FD09
254 48 65072
Data block at FE30