Prev: 30623 Up: Map Next: 30673
30656: Routine at 77C0
Used by the routine at LifeLost.
30656 LD HL,59424 HL=Graphics_CardJackDiamondsData.
30659 LD DE,62664 DE=62664.
30662 LD (HL),128 Write 128 to *HL.
30664 INC HL Increment HL by one.
30665 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
30666 SBC HL,DE HL-=DE (with carry).
30668 JR Z,TurnOffThemeTune Jump to TurnOffThemeTune if {} is zero.
30670 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
30671 JR 30662 Jump to 30662.
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