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36734: Print Stats
Used by the routines at PlayGame, PlayerAction_Raise and HandlerRaising.
PrintStats 36734 LD HL,36834 HL=36834.
36737 CALL 6269 Call OUT_LINE2.
Print "POT" value.
36740 LD HL,37574 HL=Messaging_InGame.
36743 LD A,(38580) A=*PotValue.
36746 LD D,0 D=0.
36748 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
Print current round.
36751 LD HL,37677 HL=Messaging_Round.
36754 LD A,(38584) A=*TurnCounter.
36757 LD D,255 D=255.
36759 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
Print "YOU" and the players cash reserves.
36762 LD HL,37582 HL=Messaging_You.
36765 LD A,(38581) A=*PlayerCash.
36768 LD D,0 D=0.
36770 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
Print the girls name and their cash reserve.
36773 LD A,(39140) A=*CurrentGirl.
36776 LD DE,11 The length of each girls name is 0011, so store this in DE for the calculation.
36779 LD HL,37579 HL=37579 (e.g. Messaging_Sheila less 0011).
FindGirlsName_Loop 36782 ADD HL,DE Keep adding 0011 to HL while A is non-zero.
36783 DEC A Decrease A by one.
36784 JR NZ,FindGirlsName_Loop Jump to FindGirlsName_Loop until A is zero.
36786 LD A,(38582) A=*GirlCash.
36789 LD D,0 D=0.
36791 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
Print "Raise" and current value.
36794 LD HL,37623 HL=Messaging_Raise.
36797 LD A,(38583) A=*CurrentRaiseValue.
36800 LD D,254 D=254.
36802 CP 10 Jump to PrintStats_0 if A is higher than 10.
36804 JR NC,PrintStats_0
36806 LD D,0 D=0.
PrintStats_0 36808 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
Prints the players lives.
36811 LD HL,37633 HL=Messaging_PlayerLivesHash.
36814 LD A,(36732) A=*PlayerLives.
36817 LD D,255 D=255.
36819 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
36822 LD HL,37638 HL=Messaging_GirlLivesHash.
36825 LD A,(36733) A=*GirlLives.
36828 LD D,255 D=255.
36830 CALL PrintStatToScreen Call PrintStatToScreen.
36833 RET Return.
36834 DEFB 19,1 BRIGHT: ON.
36836 DEFB 16,0 Set INK: BLACK.
36838 DEFB 17,7 Set PAPER: WHITE.
36840 DEFB 13 "ENTER".
PrintStatToScreen 36841 PUSH DE Stash DE and AF on the stack.
36842 PUSH AF
36843 CALL 6269 Call OUT_LINE2.
36846 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
36847 LD B,0 B=0.
36849 LD C,A C=A.
36850 CALL 6683 Call OUT_NUM_1.
36853 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
36854 INC D Increment D by one.
36855 RET Z Return if D is zero.
36856 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
36857 LD A,36 Print "$".
36859 RST 16
36860 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
36861 INC D Increment D by one.
36862 RET Z Return if D is zero.
36863 LD A,32 Print "SPACE".
36865 RST 16
36866 RET Return.
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