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38157: Handler: High Card
Used by the routine at 37959.
Starting with the ace, work backwards until we find the highest value card in the current hand.
Handler_HighCard 38157 LD HL,38220 HL=Table_CardDuplicates_Ace (e.g. the end of Table_CardDuplicates).
This entry point is used by the routine at 37959.
Handler_HighCard_Loop 38160 LD A,(HL) Fetch the duplicate count for the current card.
38161 DEC HL Decrease the duplicates table pointer by one.
38162 OR A Keep jumping back to Handler_HighCard_Loop until the duplicate count shows this card is present in the hand.
38163 JR Z,Handler_HighCard_Loop
38165 RET Return.
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