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38540: Girl Action: Hold
Used by the routine at GirlArtificialIntelligence.
GirlAction_Hold 38540 LD A,(38583) Jump to GirlAction_Showdown if *CurrentRaiseValue is zero.
38543 OR A
38544 JR Z,GirlAction_Showdown
38546 CALL GirlAddToPot Call GirlAddToPot.
38549 XOR A Write 0 to *CurrentRaiseValue.
38550 LD (38583),A
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
1 message-03-00 2 message-03-01
3 message-03-02
38553 LD A,3 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 3.
38555 CALL Messaging_Girl
38558 LD A,2 Return with A=2 ("hold").
38560 RET
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