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38508: Girl Action: Raise
Used by the routine at GirlArtificialIntelligence.
B Girls raise amount
Can the player afford this raise amount?
GirlAction_Raise 38508 LD A,(38581) Jump to GirlRaise if *PlayerCash is higher than the girls raise amount.
38511 CP B
38512 JR NC,GirlRaise
The player can't afford this raise, so just use what they have left...
38514 LD A,(38581) Write *PlayerCash to *CurrentRaiseValue.
38517 LD (38583),A
Check if the player is out of cash.
38520 OR A Jump to GirlAI_Hold if the player has no cash left.
38521 JR Z,GirlAI_Hold
38523 JR GirlRaise_AddToPot Jump to GirlRaise_AddToPot.
Process the raise.
GirlRaise 38525 LD A,B Write the raise amount to *CurrentRaiseValue.
38526 LD (38583),A
GirlRaise_AddToPot 38529 CALL GirlAddToPot Call GirlAddToPot.
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
1 message-02-00 2 message-02-01
3 message-02-02 4 message-02-03
5 message-02-04
38532 LD A,2 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 2.
38534 CALL Messaging_Girl
38537 LD A,1 Return with A=1 ("raise").
38539 RET
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