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39006: Graphics: Initialise Girl
Used by the routines at Girl1_Frame1, Girl2_Frame1 and Girl3_Frame1.
HL Pointer to JumpTable_StageData for referencing the graphic data
Graphics_InitialiseGirl 39006 LD C,88 C=88 (height).
39008 LD B,32 B=32 (width).
39010 LD DE,16384 DE=16384 (screen buffer location).
39013 LD IX,22528 IX=22528 (attribute buffer location).
39017 LD A,(39140) Increment *CurrentGirl by one.
39020 INC A
39021 LD (39140),A
39024 JR Graphics_PrepToPrintGirl Jump to Graphics_PrepToPrintGirl.
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