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39117: Graphics: Print Image Width - 4
Used by the routine at Girl3_Frame5.
HL Pointer to JumpTable_StageData for referencing the graphic data
Graphics_Width04 39117 LD C,56 C=56 (height).
39119 LD B,4 B=4 (width).
39121 LD DE,16516 DE=16516 (screen buffer location).
39124 LD IX,22660 IX=22660 (attribute buffer location).
Graphics_PrepToPrintGirl 39128 INC HL Increment HL by three to move the pointer past the JP command.
39129 INC HL
39130 INC HL
39131 PUSH DE Stash the screen buffer pointer on the stack.
39132 LD E,(HL) Store a pointer to the stage data in DE.
39133 INC HL
39134 LD D,(HL)
39135 POP HL Restore the screen buffer pointer from the stack.
39136 JP PrintGirl Jump to PrintGirl.
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