Address Length Description
28418 1
Control Method
Will contain the following:
Byte Meaning
1 User-Defined Keys
2 Kempston Joystick
3 Cursor Keys/ Joystick
4 Interface II Joystick
5 Keyboard
28505 10
Cursor Keys Keymap
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_CursorSelected.
28515 10
Sinclair Interface 2 Keymap
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_SinclairIF2Selected.
28525 10
Game status buffer entry at 6F6D
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_KeyboardSelected.
28745 1
Current User-Defined Key Index
29494 1
Key Entry Flag
29544 25
Table: Winners Pointers
29569 2
Name Entry Buffer Pointer
36017 57
Table: In-Game Messaging
36074 1
Message Block: Number Of Messages
36075 2
Pointer To Current Message Block
36077 2
Pointer To Current Message String
36079 1
Message Block: Current Message Block ID
36169 1
Game status buffer entry at 8D49
36418 1
Turn Flag
Byte Meaning
0 Players turn
1 Girls turn
36419 1
Game status buffer entry at 8E43
36441 1
Interaction Counter
Counts each individual action taken (increments by 1 for each player action).
36732 1
Player Lives
36733 1
Girl Lives
36948 1
Selected Marked Card
36949 5
Marked Cards
36954 2
Selected Marked Card Attribute Buffer
37182 10
User-Defined Keys
Used by the routine at SetDefinedKeys.
37336 1
In-Game: Highlighted Option
37573 1
Game status buffer entry at 92C5
38043 7
Hand Evaluation Table
38166 2
Duplicate Count Pointer
Points to one of the values in Table_CardDuplicates.
38208 13
Table: Count Card Duplicates
Counts the number of cards held of each value.
38221 1
Flush Flag
Byte Meaning
0 No flush
1 Flush
38331 52
Card Deck
38580 1
Pot Value
38581 1
Player Cash
38582 1
Girl Cash
38583 1
Current "Raise" Value
38584 1
Turn Counter
Incremented when a full turn (both players have taken an action) is complete.
38585 7
Copy Players Evaluation Table
38592 7
Copy Girls Evaluation Table
38599 5
Players Hand
38604 5
Girls Hand
38686 4
Outcome Types
Missing "Four-Of-A-Kind", "Three-Of-A-Kind", "Two Pairs" and "Pair", as these are handled by the duplicate count table check.
Used by the routine at GirlMarkCards.
39139 1
Current Stage
39140 1
Current Girl
58722 1
Current Card Suit
Will be one of:
Byte Meaning
0 Diamonds
1 Hearts
2 Spades
3 Clubs
58723 2
Pointer Card UDG Data
Pointer to the currently processed card UDG data.
59423 1
Card Position
Will be a value of; 1-5 to indicate the currently "in-focus" card being processed/ evaluated.
63537 1
Flag: Shift Letter
Will be either 0 or 1 used to track what point the 40 column printing is at (if the code needs to print, or shift the lettering).
Used by the routine at Print40ColumnText.
63538 8
Buffer: Small Custom Font
This is a buffer where the letter doubles are merged together for printing to the screen.
Used by the routine at Print40ColumnText.