Address Length Description
6F02 1
Control Method
Will contain the following:
Byte Meaning
01 User-Defined Keys
02 Kempston Joystick
03 Cursor Keys/ Joystick
04 Interface II Joystick
05 Keyboard
6F59 10
Cursor Keys Keymap
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_CursorSelected.
6F63 10
Sinclair Interface 2 Keymap
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_SinclairIF2Selected.
6F6D 10
Game status buffer entry at 6F6D
Used by the routine at TitleScreen_KeyboardSelected.
7049 1
Current User-Defined Key Index
7336 1
Key Entry Flag
7368 25
Table: Winners Pointers
7381 2
Name Entry Buffer Pointer
8CB1 57
Table: In-Game Messaging
8CEA 1
Message Block: Number Of Messages
8CEB 2
Pointer To Current Message Block
8CED 2
Pointer To Current Message String
8CEF 1
Message Block: Current Message Block ID
8D49 1
Game status buffer entry at 8D49
8E42 1
Turn Flag
Byte Meaning
00 Players turn
01 Girls turn
8E43 1
Game status buffer entry at 8E43
8E59 1
Interaction Counter
Counts each individual action taken (increments by 01 for each player action).
8F7C 1
Player Lives
8F7D 1
Girl Lives
9054 1
Selected Marked Card
9055 5
Marked Cards
905A 2
Selected Marked Card Attribute Buffer
913E 10
User-Defined Keys
Used by the routine at SetDefinedKeys.
91D8 1
In-Game: Highlighted Option
92C5 1
Game status buffer entry at 92C5
949B 7
Hand Evaluation Table
9516 2
Duplicate Count Pointer
Points to one of the values in Table_CardDuplicates.
9540 13
Table: Count Card Duplicates
Counts the number of cards held of each value.
954D 1
Flush Flag
Byte Meaning
00 No flush
01 Flush
95BB 52
Card Deck
96B4 1
Pot Value
96B5 1
Player Cash
96B6 1
Girl Cash
96B7 1
Current "Raise" Value
96B8 1
Turn Counter
Incremented when a full turn (both players have taken an action) is complete.
96B9 7
Copy Players Evaluation Table
96C0 7
Copy Girls Evaluation Table
96C7 5
Players Hand
96CC 5
Girls Hand
971E 4
Outcome Types
Missing "Four-Of-A-Kind", "Three-Of-A-Kind", "Two Pairs" and "Pair", as these are handled by the duplicate count table check.
Used by the routine at GirlMarkCards.
98E3 1
Current Stage
98E4 1
Current Girl
E562 1
Current Card Suit
Will be one of:
Byte Meaning
00 Diamonds
01 Hearts
02 Spades
03 Clubs
E563 2
Pointer Card UDG Data
Pointer to the currently processed card UDG data.
E81F 1
Card Position
Will be a value of; 01-05 to indicate the currently "in-focus" card being processed/ evaluated.
F831 1
Flag: Shift Letter
Will be either 00 or 01 used to track what point the 40 column printing is at (if the code needs to print, or shift the lettering).
Used by the routine at Print40ColumnText.
F832 8
Buffer: Small Custom Font
This is a buffer where the letter doubles are merged together for printing to the screen.
Used by the routine at Print40ColumnText.