Girl Cash Disappears
POKE 38565,175
Alters the following code:
38561 LD B,A
38562 LD A,(38582)
38565 SUB B
38566 LD (38582),A
38569 LD A,(38580)
38572 ADD A,B
38573 LD (38580),A
38576 RET
38565 XOR A
This sets the girls cash balance to zero at the start of every hand.
POKE 36081,nn
Sets the "lives" value when a new game is started:
36080 LD HL,1542
36083 LD ($8F7C),HL
£245 Cash
POKE 36100,255
POKE 36678,255
POKE 36699,255
Sets the "cash" value when a new game is started:
36099 LD HL,25700
36102 LD (38581),HL
Sets the "cash" value when a (lost) round is over:
36677 LD HL,25700
36680 LD (38581),HL
Sets the "cash" value when a (won) round is over:
36698 LD HL,$6464
36701 LD (38581),HL
Girl Has No Cash
POKE 36101,10
POKE 36679,10
POKE 36700,10
Sets the "cash" value when a new game is started:
36099 LD HL,25700
36102 LD (38581),HL
Sets the "cash" value when a (lost) round is over:
36677 LD HL,25700
36680 LD (38581),HL
Sets the "cash" value when a (won) round is over:
36698 LD HL,$6464
36701 LD (38581),HL