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36698: Girl Lost Round
Used by the routine at PlayerWonRound.
GirlLostRound 36698 LD HL,25700 Write 25700 to *PlayerCash.
36701 LD (38581),HL
36704 LD A,(36733) A=*GirlLives.
36707 OR A Jump to GirlLostAllLives if the girl is already out of lives.
36708 JR Z,GirlLostAllLives
36710 DEC A Decrease the girls life by one and write this value back to *GirlLives.
36711 LD (36733),A
36714 CALL JumpToInPlayGirlRoutine Call JumpToInPlayGirlRoutine.
Display a random "Girl lost round" message.
ID Message ID Message
1 message-05-00 2 message-05-01
3 message-05-02 4 message-05-03
5 message-05-04
36717 LD A,5 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 5.
36719 CALL Messaging_Girl
36722 XOR A Return with A=0.
36723 RET
Display a random "Girl lost game" message.
ID Message ID Message
1 message-06-00 2 message-06-01
3 message-06-02 4 message-06-03
5 message-06-04
GirlLostAllLives 36724 LD A,6 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 6.
36726 CALL Messaging_Girl
36729 LD A,255 Return with A=255.
36731 RET
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