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9750: Best Scores Print
Used by the routines at GameEntry and StartGame.
BestScoresPrint 9750 LD HL,$4000
9753 LD DE,$4001
9756 LD BC,$17FF
9759 LD (HL),$00
975D CALL $955A Call 955A.
9760 CALL BestScoresTablePrint Call BestScoresTablePrint.
9763 LD DE,$9798 DE=BestScoresCopy (text).
9766 LD BC,$0014 BC=14 (counter).
9769 CALL $203C Call PR_STRING.
Loop through and print out the stored five best scores.
976C LD A,$05 Write 05 to TemporaryCounter.
976E LD ($5BBA),A
BestScoresPrint_Loop 9771 XOR A
9772 IN A,($FE)
9774 AND $17
9776 XOR $17
9778 JP NZ,GameEntry_0
977B LD HL,($5BB8) Increment TemporaryAddress by one.
977F LD ($5BB8),HL
9782 XOR A A=00.
9783 CP H
9784 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop
9787 CP L
9788 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop
978B LD A,($5BBA) Decrease TemporaryCounter by one.
978E DEC A
978F LD ($5BBA),A
9792 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop Jump back to BestScoresPrint_Loop if this is not yet zero.
9795 JP GameEntry_0 Jump to GameEntry_0.
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