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38736: Best Scores Print
Used by the routines at GameEntry and StartGame.
BestScoresPrint 38736 LD HL,16384
38739 LD DE,16385
38742 LD BC,6143
38745 LD (HL),0
38747 LDIR
38749 CALL 38234 Call 38234.
38752 CALL BestScoresTablePrint Call BestScoresTablePrint.
38755 LD DE,38808 DE=BestScoresCopy (text).
38758 LD BC,20 BC=20 (counter).
38761 CALL 8252 Call PR_STRING.
Loop through and print out the stored five best scores.
38764 LD A,5 Write 5 to TemporaryCounter.
38766 LD (23482),A
BestScoresPrint_Loop 38769 XOR A
38770 IN A,(254)
38772 AND 23
38774 XOR 23
38776 JP NZ,GameEntry_0
38779 LD HL,(23480) Increment TemporaryAddress by one.
38782 INC HL
38783 LD (23480),HL
38786 XOR A A=0.
38787 CP H
38788 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop
38791 CP L
38792 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop
38795 LD A,(23482) Decrease TemporaryCounter by one.
38798 DEC A
38799 LD (23482),A
38802 JP NZ,BestScoresPrint_Loop Jump back to BestScoresPrint_Loop if this is not yet zero.
38805 JP GameEntry_0 Jump to GameEntry_0.
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