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38234: Routine at 955A
Used by the routines at GameEntry and BestScoresPrint.
38234 LD HL,22528 Writes 0 to all 768 attribute buffer address locations.
38237 LD DE,22529
38240 LD BC,767
38243 LD (HL),0
38245 LDIR
38247 LD HL,39800 Copies 2047 bytes of data from InstructionsData to the screen buffer.
38250 LD BC,2047
38253 LD DE,16384
38256 LDIR
38258 LD HL,16544 HL=16544.
38261 LD B,24 B=24.
38263 PUSH BC Stash BC and HL on the stack.
38264 PUSH HL
38265 PUSH HL DE=HL.
38266 POP DE
38267 INC DE
38268 LD BC,31 BC=31.
38271 LD (HL),0 Writes 0 to HL.
38273 LDIR
38275 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
38276 CALL 38194 Call 38194.
38279 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
38280 DJNZ 38263
38282 LD HL,45944 Copies 160 bytes of data from InstructionsAttributeData to the attribute buffer.
38285 LD DE,22528
38288 LD BC,160
38291 LDIR
38293 LD HL,22688 Writes 7.
38296 LD DE,22689
38299 LD (HL),7
38301 LD BC,607
38304 LDIR
38306 RET Return.
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