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DE00: Entry Point
When the game has loaded ShadowScreenBuffer contains this copyright splash.
EntryPoint DE00 XOR A Write 00 to BORDCR.
DE01 LD ($5C48),A
DE04 OUT ($FE),A Set the border colour to BLACK.
DE06 LD HL,$6B00 HL=ShadowScreenBuffer.
DE09 LD DE,$4000 DE=4000 (screen buffer).
DE0C LD BC,$1B00 BC=1B00.
DE0F LDIR Copy the splash screen to the screen buffer.
Show this for an extended period of time.
DE11 LD A,$0A A=0A.
GameEntryPoint_PauseLoop DE13 CALL ShortPause Call ShortPause.
DE16 DEC A Decrease A by one.
DE17 JR NZ,GameEntryPoint_PauseLoop Jump to GameEntryPoint_PauseLoop until A is zero.
Continue on to GameEntryPoint.
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