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54744: Clear Buffers
Used by the routine at UpdateXXXXXBuffer.
ClearBuffers 54744 LD A,3 A=3 (counter).
ClearBuffers_Loop 54746 PUSH AF Stash the counter on the stack.
54747 CALL ClearBuffers_Action Call ClearBuffers_Action.
54750 POP AF Restore the counter from the stack.
54751 DEC A Decrease the counter by one.
54752 JR NZ,ClearBuffers_Loop Jump to ClearBuffers_Loop until the counter is zero.
54754 CALL ClearBuffers_Action Call ClearBuffers_Action.
54757 RET Return.
Calculate each buffer address.
Counter Registers
3 GameBuffer 26625
2 BuildingBuffer 25857
1 25088 25089
0 24320 24321
ClearBuffers_Action 54758 LD H,A H=A.
54759 ADD A,A A*=3+95.
54760 ADD A,H
54761 ADD A,95
54763 LD H,A H=A.
DE is the same address + 1.
54764 LD D,A D=A.
54765 LD L,0 L=0.
54767 LD E,1 E=1.
54769 LD (HL),L Write 0 (from L) to *HL.
54770 LD BC,767 BC=0767.
54773 LDIR Copy 0767 bytes from HL to DE.
54775 RET Return.
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