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56190: Target A Monster
Used by the routines at Human_Lobber and Human_Shooter.
TargetMonster 56190 XOR A Write 0 to *53780.
56191 LD (53780),A
56194 CALL RandomNumber Get a random number between 0-3.
56197 AND %00000011
Note; CharacterPicker increments A on entry.
ConvertToMonsterId 56199 CALL CharacterPicker Call CharacterPicker.
This entry point is used by the routine at 56281.
CheckIfMonsterIsAlive 56202 CP 200 Jump to SetTargetedMonster_XPos if the monster state is lower than 200.
56204 JR C,SetTargetedMonster_XPos
56206 LD A,128 Write 128 to *53780.
56208 LD (53780),A
The monster ID e.g. 1 - George, 2 - Lizzy and 3 Ralph.
56211 LD A,B A=the selected monster ID.
Try again with the next monster in sequence.
56212 JR ConvertToMonsterId Jump to ConvertToMonsterId.
SetTargetedMonster_XPos 56214 LD A,(53780) A=*53780.
56217 OR B Set the bits from B.
56218 EX AF,AF' Exchange the AF register with the shadow AF register.
56219 LD A,(DE) A=the targeted monsters X position.
56220 INC A Increment A by two.
56221 INC A
56222 LD B,A B=A.
56223 CP 100 Jump to SetTargetedMonster_YPos if A is lower than 100.
56225 JR C,SetTargetedMonster_YPos
56227 LD B,0 B=0.
SetTargetedMonster_YPos 56229 INC DE Increment DE by one.
56230 LD A,(DE) A=the targeted monsters y position.
56231 INC A Increment A by one.
56232 LD C,A C=A.
56233 CP 100 Jump to TargetMonster_0 if A is lower than 100.
56235 JR C,TargetMonster_0
56237 LD C,0 C=0.
TargetMonster_0 56239 XOR A Write 0 to *53780.
56240 LD (53780),A
56243 RET Return.
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