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62673: Handler: Eaten Food
Used by the routine at Handler_Eating.
Handler_EatFood 62673 LD A,(57157) A=*Temp_MonsterID.
62676 CALL SetIYMonsterData Call SetIYMonsterData.
Add 8 to the monsters energy level.
62679 LD A,8 A=8.
62681 CALL Handler_IncreaseEnergy Call Handler_IncreaseEnergy.
This entry point is used by the routine at 62544.
Handler_EatFood_SetState 62684 LD (IY+0),26 Write "eating" (26) to monster state (*IY+0).
62688 LD (IY+7),4 Write 4 to *IY+7.
62692 JR 62578 Jump to 62578.
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