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63381: Handler: Collision Monsters?
Used by the routine at 63368.
HL Either 53827 or 53824
B is used as the "currently processed monster ID"; we work backwards from Ralph, to Lizzy and last George.
Handler_CollisionMonsters 63381 LD B,3 B=3 (total number of monsters/ players).
Handler_CollisionMonsters_Loop 63383 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
63384 AND A Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is zero.
63385 JR Z,Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next
63387 CP 193 Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_0 if A is higher than 193.
63389 JR NC,Handler_CollisionMonsters_0
63391 AND %00111111 Keep only bits 0-5.
63393 CP 50 Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_0 if A is higher than 50.
63395 JR NC,Handler_CollisionMonsters_0
63397 LD A,B A=currently processed monster ID.
63398 CALL SetIYMonsterData Call SetIYMonsterData.
IX now contains a pointer to the currently processed monster state data.
63401 PUSH IY IX=IY using the stack.
63403 POP IX
63405 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
63406 CALL Convert_To_MonsterData Call Convert_To_MonsterData, on return - A will contain the action monster ID and IY the monster state.
Is the action targeting the currently processed monster?
63409 CP B Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next if the action is for the monster currently being processed.
63410 JR Z,Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next
63412 LD A,(IY+2) Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Punched if *IY+2 is not zero.
63415 AND A
63416 JR NZ,Handler_CollisionMonsters_Punched
63418 LD A,(IY+3) A=*IY+3.
63421 XOR (IX+3)
63424 JR Z,Handler_CollisionMonsters_Punched Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Punched if the result is zero.
63426 LD A,(IX+3) A=*IX+3.
63429 LD (IY+3),A Write A to *IY+3.
Handler_CollisionMonsters_Punched 63432 LD (IY+0),10 Write 10 to *IY+0.
63436 LD (IY+4),1 Write 1 to *IY+4.
Take off two hit points from the monsters energy.
63440 LD A,2 A=2.
63442 CALL Handler_DecreaseEnergy Call Handler_DecreaseEnergy.
63445 LD A,6 Write melody ID 6 to *MelodyID.
63447 LD (65421),A
Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next 63450 DEC HL Decrease HL by one.
63451 DJNZ Handler_CollisionMonsters_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Loop until counter is zero.
63453 RET Return.
Handler_CollisionMonsters_0 63454 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
63455 PUSH HL Stash HL and BC on the stack.
63456 PUSH BC
63457 CP 5 Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is equal to 5.
63459 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63461 CP 64 Jump to Handler_Vehicle_Punched if A is lower than 64.
63463 JR C,Handler_Vehicle_Punched
63465 CP 121 Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_1 if A is equal to 121.
63467 JR Z,Handler_CollisionMonsters_1
63469 CP 123 Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is equal to 123.
63471 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63473 CP 127 Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is equal to 127.
63475 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63477 CP 117 Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is equal to 117.
63479 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63481 CP 119 Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if A is equal to 119.
63483 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63485 CP 221 Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_3 if A is lower than 221.
63487 JR C,Handler_CollisionMonsters_3
63489 JP Handler_Helicopter_Punched Jump to Handler_Helicopter_Punched.
Tidies the stack before moving onto the next monster.
Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next 63492 POP BC Restore BC and HL from the stack.
63493 POP HL
63494 JR Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_Next.
Handles when a vehicle has been punched.
Handler_Vehicle_Punched 63496 LD A,24 Reset *VehicleCounter back to 24.
63498 LD (54273),A
63501 LD A,B A=currently processed monster ID.
63502 LD DE,1283 DE=1283.
63505 CALL Handler_AddPoints Call Handler_AddPoints.
63508 LD A,(54276) A=*VehicleYPosition.
63511 AND %00111111 Keep only bits 0-5.
63513 INC A Increment A by one.
63514 LD B,A B=A.
63515 LD A,(54275) C=*VehicleXPosition.
63518 LD C,A
63519 LD A,119 A=explosion sprite (119).
ID Sprite
119 sprite-119-left
63521 CALL PrintSprite Call PrintSprite.
63524 LD A,6 Write melody ID 6 to *MelodyID.
63526 LD (65421),A
63529 JR Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next.
Handler_CollisionMonsters_1 63531 LD A,B A=B.
63532 CALL SetIYMonsterData Call SetIYMonsterData.
63535 LD A,(54278) A=*TrainXPosition.
63538 SUB 4 A-=4.
63540 CP (IY+9) Compare A with *IY+9.
63543 LD A,(54279) A=*TrainYPosition.
63546 JR NC,Handler_CollisionMonsters_2 Jump to Handler_CollisionMonsters_2 if {} is higher.
63548 XOR %10000000 Flip bit 7.
Handler_CollisionMonsters_2 63550 OR %01000000 Set bit 6.
63552 LD (54279),A Write A to *TrainYPosition.
63555 LD A,B A=B.
63556 LD DE,515 DE=515.
63559 CALL Handler_AddPoints Call Handler_AddPoints.
63562 LD A,6 Write melody ID 6 to *MelodyID.
63564 LD (65421),A
63567 JR Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next.
Handler_CollisionMonsters_3 63569 LD A,B A=B.
63570 CALL SetIYMonsterData Call SetIYMonsterData.
63573 LD A,(IY+4) Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if *IY+4 is not zero.
63576 AND A
63577 JR NZ,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63579 LD A,(IY+2) Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if *IY+2 is zero.
63582 AND A
63583 JR Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63585 LD (IY+0),26 Write 26 to *IY+0.
63589 LD (IY+7),4 Write 4 to *IY+7.
63593 LD A,B A=B.
63594 LD D,1 D=1.
63596 LD E,3 E=3.
63598 CALL Handler_AddPoints Call Handler_AddPoints.
63601 LD A,6 Write melody ID 6 to *MelodyID.
63603 LD (65421),A
63606 JR Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next.
Handles when a helicopter has been punched.
Handler_Helicopter_Punched 63608 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
63609 LD A,B A=B.
63610 LD D,5 D=5.
63612 LD E,3 E=3.
63614 CALL Handler_AddPoints Call Handler_AddPoints.
63617 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
63618 SUB 230 A-=230.
63620 ADD A,A A*=4.
63621 ADD A,A
63622 LD H,0 H=0.
63624 LD L,A L=A.
63625 LD DE,53927 HL+=Table_SomethingHelicopters.
63628 ADD HL,DE
63629 LD A,(HL) Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next if *HL is zero.
63630 AND A
63631 JP Z,Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next
63634 LD A,(54262) Decrease *NumberOnScreenHelicopters by one.
63637 DEC A
63638 LD (54262),A
63641 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
63642 LD (HL),0 Write 0 to *HL.
63644 INC HL Increment HL by one.
63645 RRCA RRCA.
63646 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
63648 CP 3 Jump to SetExplosionCoordinates if A is lower than 3.
63650 JR C,SetExplosionCoordinates
63652 CP 6 Jump to SetExplosionCoordinates if A is higher than 6.
63654 JR NC,SetExplosionCoordinates
Set BC to the screen co-ordinates for the explosion.
63656 LD B,(HL) B=*HL.
63657 INC HL Increment HL by one.
63658 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
Displays an explosion sprite.
Handler_Helicopter_Explosion 63659 LD A,119 A=explosion sprite (119).
ID Sprite
119 sprite-119-left
63661 CALL PrintSprite Call PrintSprite.
63664 LD A,6 Write melody ID 6 to *MelodyID.
63666 LD (65421),A
63669 JP Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next Jump to Housekeeping_CollisionMonsters_Next.
Set BC to the screen co-ordinates for the explosion.
SetExplosionCoordinates 63672 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
63673 INC HL Increment HL by two.
63674 INC HL
63675 LD B,(HL) B=*HL.
63676 JR Handler_Helicopter_Explosion Jump to Handler_Helicopter_Explosion.
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