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64836: Print Ticker
Used by the routine at Handler_TickerNews.
Print_Ticker 64836 LD DE,24832 DE=24832.
64839 LD BC,65247 BC=Data_Ticker.
Print_Ticker_Loop 64842 LD A,(BC) A=*BC.
Check if the character is the terminator.
64843 CP 255 Return if A is equal to 255.
64845 RET Z
64846 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
64847 ADD A,A A*=8.
64848 ADD A,A
64849 ADD A,A
HL will point to the set of eight bytes of data starting from 53656.
64850 LD H,0 Create an offset using HL.
64852 LD L,A
64853 LD DE,53656 HL+=Graphics_Ticker.
64856 ADD HL,DE
64857 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
64858 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
64859 LD BC,8 Copy 0008 bytes of data from HL to DE.
64862 LDIR
64864 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
64865 INC BC Increment BC by one.
64866 JR Print_Ticker_Loop Jump to Print_Ticker_Loop.
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