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64926: Print Ticker News Copy
Used by the routine at Handler_TickerNews.
Print_TickerNewsCopy 64926 CALL RandomNumber Get a random number between 0-7.
64929 AND %00000111
Multiply the random number by two, as the messages are address pointers in a table (so two bytes in length each).
64931 ADD A,A A*=2.
64932 LD H,0 Create an offset in HL.
64934 LD L,A
64935 LD DE,65231 HL+=Table_TickerNews.
64938 ADD HL,DE
64939 LD A,(HL) Grab the ticker news messaging address.
64940 INC HL
64941 LD H,(HL)
64942 LD L,A
Print the three lines of the ticker news data to the screen.
64943 LD BC,4615 BC=4615 (screen co-ordinates).
64946 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
64949 LD BC,5127 BC=5127 (screen co-ordinates).
64952 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
64953 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
64956 LD BC,5639 BC=5639 (screen co-ordinates).
64959 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
64960 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
64963 RET Return.
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