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64964: Sounds: Annoying Telecast Beeping
Used by the routine at Handler_TickerNews.
Sounds_Telecast 64964 LD B,10 B=10 (counter).
Sounds_Telecast_Loop 64966 CALL RandomNumber Get a random number which is either 0 or 1.
64969 AND %00000001
There's a 50/50 chance of playing either melody 3 or melody 7.
64971 LD A,7 A=melody 7.
64973 JR Z,Sounds_Telecast_Write Jump to Sounds_Telecast_Write if the random number was 0.
64975 LD A,3 A=melody 3.
Sounds_Telecast_Write 64977 LD (65421),A Write melody ID to MelodyID.
64980 PUSH BC Stash the note counter on the stack.
64981 CALL PlaySounds Call PlaySounds.
64984 POP BC Restore the note counter from the stack.
64985 HALT Halt operation (suspend CPU until the next interrupt, and do this twice).
64986 HALT
64987 DJNZ Sounds_Telecast_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to Sounds_Telecast_Loop until counter is zero.
64989 RET Return.
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