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D70C: Unpack Screen Data
Used by the routine at Game_Loop.
HL Pointer to image data
Start by clearing the screen and attribute buffers.
UnpackScreenData D70C PUSH HL Stash the pointer to the image data on the stack temporarily.
D70D LD HL,$5800 HL=5800 (attribute buffer location).
D710 LD DE,$5801 DE=5801.
D713 LD (HL),$00 Write 00 to *HL.
D715 LD BC,$02FF Copy 00 to 02FF more bytes, filling the whole of the attribute buffer.
D71A POP HL Restore the pointer to the image data from the stack.
D71B LD DE,$4000 Initialise the target screen buffer location (4000) in DE.
The main loop
UnpackScreenData_Loop D71E LD A,(HL) Jump to Handler_Zeroes if *HL is equal to 00.
D71F CP $00
D721 JR Z,Handler_Zeroes
D723 LD (DE),A Write A to *DE.
D724 INC HL Increment HL by one.
D725 INC DE Increment DE by one.
D726 JR UnpackScreenData_Loop Jump to UnpackScreenData_Loop.
Handle multiple zeroes.
Handler_Zeroes D728 INC HL Move the pointer to the length byte.
D729 LD A,(HL) Load the length into A.
D72A CP $00 Jump to Handler_Attributes if *A is equal to 00.
D72C JR Z,Handler_Attributes
D72E LD B,A Store the length in B.
D72F XOR A Set A to 00 the value to write.
Write the zeroes to the screen buffer.
Write_Zeroes D730 LD (DE),A Write 00 to the screen buffer location held by *DE.
D731 INC DE Increment the screen buffer pointer by one.
D732 DJNZ Write_Zeroes Decrease counter by one and loop back to Write_Zeroes until counter is zero.
D734 INC HL Increment HL by one.
D735 JR UnpackScreenData_Loop Jump to UnpackScreenData_Loop.
Process attributes.
Handler_Attributes D737 INC HL Increment HL by one.
D738 PUSH HL IX=HL (using the stack).
D73B LD HL,$5800 HL=5800 (attribute buffer location).
D73E LD B,$18 Initialise B to 18 (number of character rows).
Handler_Attributes_Loop D740 PUSH BC Stash the row counter and attribute buffer pointer on the stack.
D742 LD A,$00 Initialise the column counter in A to 00.
Process the attribute bytes in a row.
UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow D744 LD C,(IX+$00) C=attribute value.
D749 LD B,(IX+$00) B=run length.
D74E ADD A,B A=run length plus the column counter.
Write the run of attributes.
UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop D74F LD (HL),C Write attribute byte to the attribute buffer.
D750 INC HL Increment the attribute pointer by one.
D751 DJNZ UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop Decrease the length counter by one and loop back to UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop until counter is zero.
D753 CP $20 Jump to UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow if A is not equal to 20.
D755 JR NZ,UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow
D757 POP HL Restore the start of the row into HL from the stack.
D758 LD BC,$0020 Move HL 0020 bytes to point to the next row.
D75C POP BC Restore the row counter from the stack.
D75D DJNZ Handler_Attributes_Loop Decrease the row counter by one and loop back to Handler_Attributes_Loop until all the rows have been processed.
D75F PUSH IX BC=current position in attribute data (using the stack).
D762 RET Return.
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