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55052: Unpack Screen Data
Used by the routine at Game_Loop.
HL Pointer to image data
Start by clearing the screen and attribute buffers.
UnpackScreenData 55052 PUSH HL Stash the pointer to the image data on the stack temporarily.
55053 LD HL,22528 HL=22528 (attribute buffer location).
55056 LD DE,22529 DE=22529.
55059 LD (HL),0 Write 0 to *HL.
55061 LD BC,767 Copy 0 to 767 more bytes, filling the whole of the attribute buffer.
55064 LDIR
55066 POP HL Restore the pointer to the image data from the stack.
55067 LD DE,16384 Initialise the target screen buffer location (16384) in DE.
The main loop
UnpackScreenData_Loop 55070 LD A,(HL) Jump to Handler_Zeroes if *HL is equal to 0.
55071 CP 0
55073 JR Z,Handler_Zeroes
55075 LD (DE),A Write A to *DE.
55076 INC HL Increment HL by one.
55077 INC DE Increment DE by one.
55078 JR UnpackScreenData_Loop Jump to UnpackScreenData_Loop.
Handle multiple zeroes.
Handler_Zeroes 55080 INC HL Move the pointer to the length byte.
55081 LD A,(HL) Load the length into A.
55082 CP 0 Jump to Handler_Attributes if *A is equal to 0.
55084 JR Z,Handler_Attributes
55086 LD B,A Store the length in B.
55087 XOR A Set A to 0 the value to write.
Write the zeroes to the screen buffer.
Write_Zeroes 55088 LD (DE),A Write 0 to the screen buffer location held by *DE.
55089 INC DE Increment the screen buffer pointer by one.
55090 DJNZ Write_Zeroes Decrease counter by one and loop back to Write_Zeroes until counter is zero.
55092 INC HL Increment HL by one.
55093 JR UnpackScreenData_Loop Jump to UnpackScreenData_Loop.
Process attributes.
Handler_Attributes 55095 INC HL Increment HL by one.
55096 PUSH HL IX=HL (using the stack).
55097 POP IX
55099 LD HL,22528 HL=22528 (attribute buffer location).
55102 LD B,24 Initialise B to 24 (number of character rows).
Handler_Attributes_Loop 55104 PUSH BC Stash the row counter and attribute buffer pointer on the stack.
55105 PUSH HL
55106 LD A,0 Initialise the column counter in A to 0.
Process the attribute bytes in a row.
UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow 55108 LD C,(IX+0) C=attribute value.
55111 INC IX
55113 LD B,(IX+0) B=run length.
55116 INC IX
55118 ADD A,B A=run length plus the column counter.
Write the run of attributes.
UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop 55119 LD (HL),C Write attribute byte to the attribute buffer.
55120 INC HL Increment the attribute pointer by one.
55121 DJNZ UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop Decrease the length counter by one and loop back to UnpackScreenData_WriteAttributes_Loop until counter is zero.
55123 CP 32 Jump to UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow if A is not equal to 32.
55125 JR NZ,UnpackScreenData_ProcessAttributesRow
55127 POP HL Restore the start of the row into HL from the stack.
55128 LD BC,32 Move HL 0032 bytes to point to the next row.
55131 ADD HL,BC
55132 POP BC Restore the row counter from the stack.
55133 DJNZ Handler_Attributes_Loop Decrease the row counter by one and loop back to Handler_Attributes_Loop until all the rows have been processed.
55135 PUSH IX BC=current position in attribute data (using the stack).
55137 POP BC
55138 RET Return.
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