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60882: Sound: Game Over
Used by the routines at GameOver_FlashOffset and Draw_GameOver.
Sound_GameOver 60882 LD A,(60911) Return if *GameOver_X_Offset is not equal to 0.
60885 CP 0
60887 RET NZ
60888 PUSH BC Stash BC and HL on the stack.
60889 PUSH HL
60890 LD H,2 H=2.
60892 LD BC,1000 Set the repeat counter in BC to 1000.
Sound_GameOver_Loop 60895 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
60896 INC HL Increment HL by one.
60897 AND %00011000 Keep only bits 3-4.
60899 OR %00000101 Set bits 0, 2.
60901 OUT (254),A Send to the speaker.
60903 DEC BC Decrease the repeat counter by one.
60904 LD A,B Jump back to Sound_GameOver_Loop until the repeat counter is zero.
60905 OR C
60906 JR NZ,Sound_GameOver_Loop
60908 POP HL Restore HL and BC from the stack.
60909 POP BC
60910 RET Return.
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